At Accurate Automation we specialise in fully automated surface finishing plant aimed at the higher end of the market with sophisticated technical requirements and larger production volumes.
We build plants for electroplating, anodising, powder coating, e-coating, phosphating - in fact for any requirement related to the coating of metals.
With a surface treatment plant built by Accurate Automation you may rest assured that backup and assistance will be available
for as long as it is needed. We are committed to training your staff and ensuring that all production checks and balances are in place to enable your plant to function efficiently.
Our business was established in 1993 following the management buyout of a company providing the same service in the Spicer Mitchell Holdings Group in the years prior to that.
ACCURATE AUTOMATION & CONSULTING offers a “Process Optimisation Solution” to stream line processes, increase profits and reduce overheads.
We have all the expertise in-house beginning with the scoping, sizing and costing followed by design, manufacture and commissioning of the new plant. We are more than proud to arrange site visits to any of the many
high-tech examples of our metal finishing plants around South Africa.
To ensure that you have the best chemistry for your surface finishing plant we rely on close alliances with most of the major chemical suppliers and always recommend two or more supply houses in whom we have confidence, who meet the process requirements and are logistically more suited to service you. The ultimate choice is yours.
Once all of this has been done, the final proposal will be presented and on acceptance, implementation commences.
Production and coating requirements are very complex, and although many suppliers exist in the market, there are virtually only a few with the capability of ensuring that you implement the correct solution at the outset that will deliver consistent optimal quality on a cost effective basis and in line with Best International Practice.
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